Secret red pill knowledge: the worst things men do for women

Let’s talk about the worst things men do for women… that men mistakenly think are good. I’ll be talking collectively and in a broad sense.

I’ll also address something serious: what I consider to be the biggest error in the red pill or in the manosphere. This misunderstanding is ruining men’s success in understanding how to relate to women.

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Men and women have become a mismatch

I’ll make this (relatively) brief but I wanted to give my thoughts on how men and women in the West have become a mismatch in so many ways. Neither sex is really getting what they want (or need) from the other.

When it comes to men, there’s an easy explanation as to why so many men are unmotivated and would rather play video games than go after women. I’ll talk about that and more in this post.

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Are men actually attracted to looks? Looksmaxxing followup

Let’s do a part 2 to my recent post entitled “Do women like muscles? And about black pill “looksmaxxing”” and give a followup to that as well as talk about what men are actually attracted to. Yes, as crazy as it sounds, saying that men are attracted to looks is only a half-truth. What I have to say today is something that I even believe many men don’t realize.

I’ll be diving into the parallels between Christ and the church and the relationship between man and woman in order to make sense of all of this.

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Do women like muscles? And about black-pill “looksmaxxing”

Today I’ll address a common misconception that men have regarding what women find attractive: do women actually like men with a lot of muscles? Men have indeed been told that an easy way to level up their attractiveness in women’s eyes is to hit the gym more. Let’s talk about whether or not this is actually true.

I’ll also be speaking generally on the black pill idea that women highly value a man’s looks as well as the modern phenomena of “looksmaxxing.”

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The Curses on Man and Woman

This will be one of the most important posts I’ve ever written as I will give my perspective on the curses on Adam and Eve from the bible. This topic has hardly been fully addressed and by itself can explain male and female nature in a way not found in red pill content or in dating and pickup advice.

I find that many people have been talking about the problems between men and women lately and that there has been a lot of blame going around between the two sexes regarding who’s responsible for the problems in our world. I highly recommend that you take your time to read and consider what I have to say today.

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Stubborn and uncommunicative men; and male nature

Is it a virtue for men to be hardheaded and not willing to listen? Let’s talk about being masculine versus simply being stubborn and unwilling to listen.

This message is key for men who desire to be leaders as well as women who want to understand why men are the way they are. Most women have dealt with uncommunicative men so this topic should be highly relatable and of great interest to my female audience.

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A holiday message to men

I have an important “holiday” message for men today: ’tis the season for effeminacy and resentment. It’s time that men start standing up for what is right even if that costs us during these times of celebration.

I’ll be talking about how the church and these holidays are mostly for women and what red pill men need to do to ameliorate their situation in this world.

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The godly man: responsibility vs pleasure

I’ve talked a little about the effeminate man and how he’s dangerous, so let’s switch gears and talk about the godly man. What exactly is a godly man? Well, we have a lot of bad ideas of what this means. Most of us assume that this is a man who believes in God or reads his bible, but that’s not the whole story.

I’ve even seen Mrs Midwest advise her viewers to not just choose men who look godly because they raise their hands in worship in the church. So let’s get a better definition of godliness in men instead.

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