Why did covid happen?

Today I have a topic which I consider to be on an advanced level when it comes to spiritual understanding. As such, I recommend that people take this with a high level of discernment and understand that this topic may not be suitable for everyone.

What I want to discuss is the question about why covid or similar (negative) events have happened and why the world powers and governments are able to get away with so many things that the average person seemingly doesn’t want or doesn’t approve of.

I will be discussing the idea of consent, of the level of accountability those in power hold, the mark of the beast, and why the world powers show what they’re doing ahead of time through “predictive programming.”

When thinking about the recent pandemic, several thoughts immediately come to mind regarding spiritual truth and human behavior. I will begin by broadly classifying people into one of two categories and I’ll talk about each when it comes to what happened during covid.

The first category is what I’ll broadly term the leaders or those in power. This is a very small category but they deserve special mention because these are the people who ‘rule the world.’ I don’t really care to make distinctions here between levels of power and as such I don’t like the term “deep state” or anything like that. Whether they are figureheads or behind the scenes matters little. There are simply those who have power in this world to dictate the way things progress and I’ll leave it at that.

The second category is the average person. This includes the vast majority of people and to be honest, the majority of this vast majority don’t understand why the leaders do what they do but instead tend to simply follow. This tendency to follow, like it or not, is built into the human race. We want and expect someone to lead us.

So about the pandemic: why did covid happen? To begin, I’m not talking about the coronavirus or any sort of health or scientific issue here. Viruses are always around in our times and probably every year we see a seasonal flu or illness come through and unfortunately cause a lot of sickness and even death, particularly in older or infirm populations.

(P.S. nothing today is to say that the virus didn’t exist and that people didn’t get sick. I’m not one of those ‘conspiracy theorists’ who say everything was a hoax. I got sick and yes, some people died. I am however of the opinion that the measures put in place were overplayed and tyrannical.)

What I am talking about are things like the lockdowns, quarantines and the like which accompanied the virus. So why did covid (not specifically the virus but everything else surrounding it) happen? The answer may surprise you and even be offensive in some sense, but stay with me. I told you that this would be an advanced read.

Covid happened because we allowed it to happen. In a sense, it’s as if we wanted it to happen. The latter statement can almost sound absurd but stay with me.

Although evil is objectively real as sin is real and there is a literal fallen being aka Satan and his fallen angels, evil and negativity can only be perpetuated when we choose it or pay attention to it. I remember as a child watching the Simpsons (I’m not saying I recommend that people watch this, it’s just something I grew up with) and there was a Halloween episode where some giant billboard characters came alive and started destroying everything.

No one could figure out how to stop these evil billboards until one of the main characters named Homer noticed a stamp on one of their feet. It said that it was created by an advertising company so Homer went and told the advertiser “you created this thing, so how do we stop it?” The advertiser replied with something simple: tell everyone to stop paying attention to it. Just don’t look. The monster dies when people don’t pay attention to it aka feed it.

This is how evil and negativity works. As soon as you stop paying attention to it it begins to die. So during covid, the 24/7 fear campaigns drew people in and they bought into the fear, thereby perpetuating the problem.

So covid (again, the measures put in place and all of the chaos the pandemic created) would have ended if people stopped paying attention to it. Yes, it’s that simple.

There’s even a meme that there was no covid among the Amish because they had no TV. Tell me, would you have even known that there was a pandemic if the TV didn’t tell you? Even though I did get fairly sick in 2021, I never would have known. I even lived near a hospital in 2020 and I didn’t hear any more ambulances or see any more action than normal.

So in this sense, people were choosing covid by their actions (i.e. by entertaining evil.) Even more, we consented to wearing masks, doing lockdowns, etc. Now l might get pushback here and be told “D Bradley, people were forced into all of this.” Yet my reply is that there really is no such thing as force, only voluntary compliance. It’s only an illusion that we’re forced into anything. It’s a psychological trick I’m here to expose.

For example, no matter how bad it got, I realize I never lost my autonomy during this event. Sure I might risk losing my job or access to services, but force isn’t the correct word. Yes they can attempt to manipulate, stress, or take things away from us, but these things aren’t actual force. It still ultimately comes down to us making a choice of what we want: we can either hold out or give in to their mandates. There are certain things, praise the Most High, that they can never take from us.

That said, I don’t want to downplay the fact that many thought they only had a choice between feeding themselves and their families or taking a vaccine/submitting to other mandates. This is a terrible situation to be in and I understand. So I don’t want anyone to take what I’m saying today as condemnation but instead as a second chance to look at what we’ve done so that we can make a different, more informed, and more prepared choice in the future. Understanding what I’m saying today is preparation for the mark of the beast so we can plan and act differently next time. I know personally that I have a lot I need to change in myself.

Let’s look at what Daniel faced in the bible when he was told to bow to the idolatrous statue. This was a governmental law punishable by death but yet he still chose not to do it. So even this wasn’t actually forced upon him. There are many stories like this involving men and women from the bible who stepped out in faith in these circumstances. That is what God wants from us.

The fact is, and this has been spoken of by some brilliant people before me, even the most despotic and evil regimes in history can really only rule with the consent of the people. The worst dictator and most violent governments require the support of the majority of the populace. There is simply no way that one person or a small group of people can rule over the grand masses of people without their consent.

This applies to the covid measures. If people would have been like the Amish and said “nah, we’re not going for that” and refused (en masse), there’s nothing that the powers could have done, period. Literally nothing and covid (the measures) would have ended. The people have that kind of power because the general populace is gigantic and therefore uncontrollable. The general public must voluntarily give up their power.

Further, those in power don’t fight the wars or get their hands dirty on the ground; they enlist the services of the average, loyal citizen. This is simply the populace consenting to the power’s rule over them. For example, the powers-that-be didn’t force anyone to take a vaccine; the individual employers took it upon themselves to enforce the powers’ demands (at least in the US. Perhaps there were more authoritarian measures in other countries.)

Now let’s talk about the issue of want. What I want to show here today is that people’s actions, mine included, show what we want. Want and action are inextricably tied together.

Some may say that ‘want’ is a big word for me to use. I’m not saying that people enthusiastically said “yes I love it! Give me quarantines!” What I am saying though is that by entertaining evil or allowing someone to do something to you, you are consenting to and encouraging that behavior to persist and in a sense, you can even become partly responsible for the evil (by entertaining it and encouraging it, you eventually become one with it.) This is a misunderstood aspect of consent. In a big way, as the saying goes, silence is consent.

A variation of this idea can be found in biblical law in Deuteronomy 22:23-27. If a woman was being assaulted/raped by a man and she didn’t cry out, she would be put to death along with the rapist. So when we don’t cry out and struggle against evil, are we consenting to and participating in that evil? I believe there is nuance here but in a big way, yes. If we can stand up against evil but choose not to, I fear that God will punish us for that, perhaps greatly like this woman.

So when I say that people wanted this to happen, no I don’t mean they enthusiastically wanted it. Yet when one does not perform the proper actions including standing up to evil and making a decision to the contrary (to fight it), the end result is actually the same as if they wanted it.

Moving further with this understanding, when we choose something, it could be said that we want it. Let’s say that I believe that mask mandates are wrong or evil: do I want to stand up against it and risk social ostracization and attack, or do I want to be silent and ‘go along to get along?’ The latter is much easier and this is what humankind by and large wants; we desire to not cause friction but to be good citizens. So what we often want more than fighting unjust mandates is to not cause problems or risk social ostracization.

Since this is so important, let’s look at another example of want. Let’s say someone is overweight and asks me for advice on how to lose weight. I tell them to cut out the sugar but this isn’t something they like to hear. They like soda, snacks, and fast food and therefore ignore my advice. Do they want to be overweight? Of course not. But their actions show that they don’t want to do the painful things necessary to change. I know I can relate to this in many ways.

They have two options: keep their current lifestyle or change. Keeping their current lifestyle and being overweight are paired together. Changing and losing weight are paired together. To many, neither option seems great so they have to make a value judgement. Whichever one they really want most is what they will choose, and for most, it’s unfortunately the former: not changing. This is because taking accountability and doing work are often not attractive and I’m not saying this to be judgmental. Trust me, I fall into that trap as well so I have to be self-aware about it and purposely fight it.

In a big way, there is a difference between wishing and wanting. Someone can wish to lose weight, but unless they actually do something to achieve that goal, it can be said that they didn’t actually want it. We can wish to live in peace as a country and not have things like covid happen, but unless we actually stand up and do something, we didn’t actually want it. What humankind often wants is a level of complacency and leisure. We want someone else to do things for us. This is unfortunately a brutal truth that I want us to be aware of and change.

Choice and want are highly correlated. We can wish for something but it really doesn’t enter the realm of want until we act upon it. This is key. It’s like a man desiring a wife: he can wish for a beautiful woman all day, but he doesn’t really show that he wants her until makes plans to talk to her and then goes for it. Or it’s like if I have a dream to be a singer. Do I want to be a singer or do I wish to be a singer? If I wish for it, I am just daydreaming. If I want it, I start singing in public, marketing myself, etc. Want and action are closely tied.

So we’re basically stuck consenting to what the powers-that-be are doing to us because we’re entertaining evil and not truly wanting righteousness as evidenced by our actions. We’ve decided that we want pleasures and quick fixes but with that comes all of these evils we now experience.

In all fairness, most of us had no idea that the lifestyle we currently espouse would come with such evils. When we want this lifestyle, we must accept the evils that come with it. We can’t ‘have our cake and eat it too’ meaning we can’t live this passive, godless lifestyle yet not receive the fruits of it which include such tyranny. We have consented to these things and must realize it and repent.

This issue of consent by the way is one reason why the powers-that-be use predictive programming and tell everyone ahead of time what they’re going to do. By doing this, they (wrongly) assume they can escape accountability for their actions. They are right in a sense about it but also incredibly wrong.

They are right in the sense that if people go along with their plans, the people have in a big way consented. They can say “we told the people what we were going to do and they had plenty of warning. We also didn’t force anyone to take a shot or to do anything. It’s the people who agreed, mostly on one accord, to get vaccinated, lock themselves down, etc., in order to escape the fear of getting sick.”

It’s like the advertising monsters. The powers let the monsters loose and the people decided to entertain the evil because they were afraid. The average person does hold a level of fault here which can indeed be a tough pill for us to swallow.

As I said before, when we think about how even the most brutal regime can only rule with the consent of the majority of the population, we can consider that those in charge aren’t doing the dirty work but the average person instead. For example, people are tortured, subjected to unjust trials, put in concentration camps, etc., not by the powers-that-be but by those they’ve hired.

During covid for example, many followed what they knew were unjust orders and did so in order to get by. It wasn’t the government (at least in the US) firing people for not getting the vaccine, it was individual employers. This leads us to a perilously slippery slope. On the one hand, most argued that they needed to do these things in order to get by and do their jobs. For example, an HR employee may have had to fire someone who did not submit to vaccine or testing requirements. We do need to be very careful here because this is reminiscent of Nuremberg.

Some during covid did things because they were told to or thought they had to but this is the argument used at the Nuremberg trials: “I was only following orders.” This argument didn’t work in the earthly court nor do I think it’s a wise argument in a heavenly court. Ignorance before God is one thing; doing something we don’t believe is right is another so we must rightly analyze ourselves and set our hearts right before Him. Did we blindly follow orders and not trust God? Did we not understand at the time and now God has given us time to reconsider our actions and repent? We must discern the answer for ourselves and learn from our mistakes.

When I look at the bible, I don’t see Daniel saying “I was forced to bow to the statue”. He chose to die before compromising on what he knew was right. In another story in 4 Maccabees in the Apocrypha, seven sons and their mother were brutally tortured and killed because they wouldn’t eat pork. This is the price we must pay to follow Jesus. We must suffer as we’re not better than Him.

I’m not here to pass judgement either because I consented to wearing a mask at work and in stores. So I myself have to reconsider how I will handle this in the future. God has given us another chance to do things differently.

By the way, I know this is long but I will be done shortly. One last point about want and consent before moving on to the powers-that-be and their responsibility. The bible says this:

Deuteronomy 30:19 “…I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; so choose life, that both you and your seed may live.”

Our lives and this world are largely a product of our decisions. Yes, bad things can happen to anyone, even godly people (think about Job and his being tested), but as this bible verse states, we largely determine our own fate. When we do well and follow God and His commandments, He blesses us. When we do evil, we are subject to the curses of sin. So do we want good or do we want evil? It’s our choice.

So this is another important reason why covid and all of these bad things are happening to us: our society is choosing evil. All of us are guilty of this as the bible says that no one is without sin. Which one of us has not wanted evil at some point in our lives, if not often? Father, please have mercy on us. I’ll be the first to admit my responsibility for the fallen state we’re in.

I’ve talked about the average person but let’s talk about the powers-that-be. Despite the fact that we are all accountable for our actions and for what has happened to some extent, the powers are sorely mistaken thinking that they escape accountability for their actions because of the seeming consent of the people. The Creator put in us a desire for righteous authority and we naturally seek leadership and guidance. Therefore, those who have authority but misuse it are in danger of serious judgement.

The book of Wisdom 6:6 says to the effect that a simple man (let’s say the average person) can be pardoned for their shortcomings, but a mighty man (say a leader) is in for a rude awakening. Bad actions on the part of the powers are on another level because they have a higher level of responsibility due to their position. The bible for example states in James 3:1 that many should not desire to be teachers because they are in for a stricter judgment.

Those in power also need to be careful that they don’t manipulate or use spiritual truth in order to deceive people. A leader is to serve the people, not manipulate them. He is to use his understanding of spiritual truth and the bible in order to build up, not deceive. He is not to prey on the weaknesses or shortcomings of those under him but to cover those shortcomings and to plea to the Creator for mercy for the shortcomings of those he leads.

Some in authority have therefore been greatly and critically misled by their understanding of power. Yes the people have in a way consented, but a leader who lures someone into sin has done something incredibly grave. Some in high positions of power must know what I’m saying today (and probably more) and have apparently used this information in order to manipulate people and further their agenda. Using God’s word and spiritual truth for evil purposes is a grave sin. Indeed many have used spiritual truth to achieve wicked ends.

When someone uses stress, psychological manipulation (including via the media) or physical means (frequencies, tainting the food and water supplies, etc.) to achieve the consent or cooperation of the people, are they getting the people’s pure and unadulterated consent? Absolutely not. Consent under stress is not the same as consent under a sane mind.

This type of manipulation can even be called witchcraft, aka deceit. One uses witchcraft when one attempts to deceive others including by putting up a front. So when during covid for example, the powers told us that they were only doing things for our good, they were largely deceiving the people and calling evil good.

So yes I’ve had some tough things to say about the average person but the powers-that-be are in danger of a much greater judgment. Knowing the things I’ve said today and using them for evil is one of the worst things I can think of. We all need to be incredibly careful that we don’t use spiritual truth (nor anything else for that matter like psychology) in order to manipulate others. I can’t really say much more about that at this time.

So what do I want us to take away from this discussion today? Well, perhaps there are some high-level powers reading this (who knows) but I assume that most of us are average people. Understanding these things are critical because God will hold us accountable for our decisions. We must not play victim here and claim that we were forced into doing anything. Why?

Well, because for one thing the mark of the beast is close and we can’t play that game with God. He makes it clear that those who take the mark have permanently lost any chance of salvation and will be eternally punished. This is no game. The same sort of reasoning I’ve just explained will be used with the mark and therefore this whole covid experience was a good preparation for the time when the mark is rolled out.

What I mean is that I doubt the powers will force anyone to take the mark. They can simply set up a system and say “if you want to buy or sell (work), you need this chip (or whatever else the mark may be.)” From there it’s on the average person to consent or not to take the mark and just like Daniel, you can say no. It might cost you your life (or God can save you) but either way you will retain your chance for eternal rewards.

Many people will say “I was forced to take the mark because else I can’t eat or feed my babies!” Yes I understand that this is a terrible situation but God wants us to have faith in Him that He will provide. We must work on having the faith of a saint in order to persevere during these trials.

I know this was a bit long and may be difficult to understand but I hope that this shows you the role we all play on this earth. We’re not victims to the powers and we have much more control than we think, even if it’s just over our own decisions. We have way more power than we believe. Yes we’re meant to desire righteous authority and we want to be led, but we simultaneously are responsible for our own lives and must keep that in mind.

It is also okay for us to demand accountability from our leaders. Just like how God will judge a leader more strictly, we have that right here on earth. But this isn’t about wishing; it’s about actions like withdrawing our money and our support from immoral leaders and institutions. It’s about actually speaking out and drawing a line in the sand. It’s about joining together and coming on one accord with your neighbors in order to support each other. We can no longer be divided!

Remember, what I say isn’t to condemn people but to empower them. The only way we can ever escape the victim mindset is by taking responsibility for ourselves. So choose life and make your life and the world around you a better place.

P.S. Never blame others! Don’t use it to say “it’s those liberals who wanted this” or “yeah, everyone else was running around in fear, it’s their fault” or “yeah my boss who fired me for not taking the shot deserves a Nuremburg trial” or “yeah, you tell those powers-that-be, I can’t wait for their judgment!” If you do that, you completely miss the point. Your focus is on YOU, period. What did you do and continue to do? God is focused on you and wants you to account for your life. Let Him deal with everyone else as they’re not your responsibility. The more you focus on others in this sense, the more you lose your own power.

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